We have all the knowledge and experience to keep your pets healthy. Our services include everything from vaccinations and dentistry to advanced orthopaedic, spinal and soft tissue surgery.
FIND OUT MOREBecause your pets should look their best, we do it all from bathing, shaving and trimming to basic ear cleaning. We can also provide special treatment for the fluffy friends that don’t appreciate the spa experience.
FIND OUT MOREYour cat’s home away from home. Our cat kennels have a variety of cages to cater for every cat’s individual personality.
FIND OUT MOREMON. - FRI. 08:00 - 19:00
SAT. and PUBLIC HOLIDAYS 09:00 – 13:00
SUN. 11:00 – 13:00 (food sales only)
Just a note to express my appreciation for your understanding, compassion and sympathy in providing a calm, peaceful and dignified end to Gizmo’s life. I appreciate all you and the staff did for him in his final days especially the gentleness and sensitivity in which you helped me cope with a very painful decision. Although I grieve for him, I will hold forever the many happy memories of the five years we shared together."
Ek wil graag hiermee my innige dank aan u oordra. Baie baie dankie vir al die liefde sorg en behandeling wat Trudie en ek al die jare van u ontvang het. Baie dankie vir al die tyd, raad en hulp wat u altyd enige tyd in spreekure of na-ure aan ons verleen het. Ek weet u het net die beste teen alle tye vir haar gedoen. Ek waardeer dit so opreg. Haar lewe was mooi en vol. Ek het haar so gelief en mis haar geweldig. Baie baie dankie."
Thank you for all of your care, professionalism and understanding with Eyla these past few weeks. We know that she received the very best of care up until the end and that brings us some comfort at this very sad time for us."
Ons kan nie genoeg vir jou dankie se vir al wat jy vir ons Lady gedoen het nie. Jy is ‘n fantastiese veearts! Jou toewyding is ongelooflik!! Dit was so ‘n moeilike tyd vir ons, maar ons het die heeltyd geweet dat lady die beste moontlike behandeling kry. Jy het nooit opgegee nie! Te danke aan jou, God en Lady se uithouvermoe is ons wonderwerkie by die huis. Nogmaals vreeslik baie dankie!"
Baie baie dankie vir al jou omgee en behandeling met my dierekinders. Jy bly die beste!! Mag ons Vader jou altyd seen met hierdie onbaatsigtige werk. Ons waardeer jou."